Thursday, November 13, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 10 - Mushrooms are my friends

Did MUCH better yesterday with my eating. I kept my to my containers for sure, even when I went over to a friend's house for dinner. I measured out my yellow container of rice right there by her stove!

Alas, I did struggle yesterday because I didn't eat enough. By the time I got home it was going on 9 PM and I hadn't had all of my greens or purples, or my blue. I wasn't particularly hungry, but I know that my body probably needed those nutrients, especially since I did a little more work in the weight room than usual yesterday morning. Calm down, there weren't actual weights involved. My body weight exercises are quite challenging enough at this point!

I did have a dream last night that I was at my friend Bethy's wedding (with Neapolitan cake) and it was attended by everyone I know from my home town (hmmm) and it was also a small CrossFit competition and Rich Froning (Fittest man on EARTH) was there competing... and so was I. And there was some weird thing where we had to scootch around on our backs while holding a barbell.. and I totally beat him (at the women's prescribed weight). It was a great feeling, but I still walked around feeling like I was a fraud, lol.

But I digress.

Yesterday here's what I ate (no pictures though, sorry!)

Breakfast: 1 Veggie Burger - 1 Red

Morning Snack: 1/2 Chocolate Shakeology with Cherries - 1/2 Red, 1/2 Purple
Lunch: Some root veggie soup from Bethy, a Turkey Burger (plain, just the meat) and some spring mix - 1 Yellow, 1 Red, 1 Green
Afternoon Snack: None, I totally forgot to eat
Dinner at Bethy's: Jambalaya and rice - 1 and 1/2 Red, 1 Yellow
Special Treat not allowed in 21 DF: 1/2 White Chocolate Raspberry Daiquiri from Dove Chocolate Discoveries. 

Workout from yesterday:

-25 minutes on the treadmill. Still no running, but I cranked up the incline and walked quickly and got myself out of breath.

-Incline push ups on a barbell in the squat rack (yes, I'm that girl). 3x10
-Hanging row things from that same barbell 3x10
-Cable tricep extensions 2x10
-Assisted pull ups 3x8

It's short, but sometimes a girl's only got 45 minutes before she goes to work! OH, I also stopped for a cup of coffee. No fancy stuff, just coffee with a drizzle of cream and sugar. I'm so bad. 

STILL feeling optimistic about yesterday though, and today is off to a good start as well!

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