Monday, December 3, 2012

Short, Fierce, Cute Ladies ----They're Terrifying.

It was easier to talk myself into going to the gym today. I remembered that I'll be working probably ALL NIGHT for the next few nights and as such, won't be well rested enough to really give CrossFit my all, so it has to be today since I managed to capture about seven hours of rest last night!

Warm Up:
10 minutes
-50 Double Unders (or attempts, in my case)
:30 Second Hang From Bar
-50 Mountain Climbers (Doubles)
-200 Meter Row

Clean & Jerk, working weight up to today's WOD

WOD 1:
-30 Clean & Jerks (Coach H had me do simply Cleans, since my elbow has decided that it's not coming to the party now. 32lbs)
Time: 3:50

WOD 2:
-40 Wall Ball Sit Ups (Started with 14lbs, switched to 8lb. Stupid back.)
-10 KettleBell Swings (20lbs)
-30 Wall Ball Sit Ups
-10 KB Swings
-20 WB Sit Ups
-10 KB Swings
-10 WB Sit Ups
-10 KB Swings
Time: 8:14

I’ve decided to join in the December challenge that has been being discussed lately on the box’s facebook page. It is 100 weighted butterfly sit ups each day for the month of December. The 100 wall ball sit ups from this morning counts for today, and I did 100 more at lunch with my abmat and a 20lb kettlebell. Another hundred after work before I get to work on my final paper for the semester will have me all caught up for the month (and justifiably sorry tomorrow, I should think).

I don’t know what’s going on with my back these days still. It hurts when I bend side to side or twist, bending forward and arching backwards don’t hurt me. Weird.

It was really discouraging today that my weird clicking elbow forced me to only clean up my measly 32# bar instead of doing the clean and jerks called for in the WOD. When she suggested I take it down to just the cleans, I remarked to Coach H that I feel like such a wimp for having to scale down all the time.
This is where sh* got real.

Let me tell you a little bit about Coach H. She’s short and beautiful, very smiley and pleasant, even at 6 in the morning. She’s always helpful and when she yells at you during workouts it makes you want to try harder, but doesn’t exactly sound like verbal abuse.

Today she told me that if I ever call myself a wimp again, she’s going to smack me across the face with a PVC pipe.

She scares me.  Never mess with the little feisty ones!

After my workout, she asked how I felt, and the only answer that she would accept without a truly frightening expression on her face was, “Like a BAMF!”

I f*ing love this place. 

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