Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Day to Rest

I had planned all week to take this morning off from the gym, since I needed to look cute for our company holiday party and annual group photo. I'm super glad I did, since my legs and hips and butt are pretty wobbly today when I do anything other than sit!

I was giving some thought to yesterday's fatigue during the WOD and postulate that I'm either not eating right (no one is surprised) or am working too hard. 

I know that I'm  not being nutritious enough these days since I've been living off rice and the charity of others for the past week or two since paying next semester's tuition out of pocket. That's no surprise. I'd kill for a fresh vegetable! My friend "A" cooked for me last night though and I had Brussels sprouts for the first time (from the freezer). I liked them! They were like little mild cabbages. 

I don't eat before coming to CrossFit in the morning. I've heard both sides on this, some people suggesting I have some toast or something before I go and others saying it's fine. Usually, I avoid eating before such intense workouts because I become nauseated with everything sloshing around in my stomach during burpees. I guess I should do some more research and make a plan, or at the very least find some more nutrient rich food sources ASAP.

I do know that I push my body a little too hard sometimes. I take rest days rather frequently, but at the same time, I am so anxious to get better, so desirous of reaching my distant goals, that I don't want to waste even a minute. I want to keep pushing and pushing until I can do that Pull Up. I don't like that I hurt my back or my elbow is being weird. I don't want to be held back. When my legs give out during lunges, I am furious that I'm not better! 

I aspire to greatness, and I'm terribly impatient that I have to personally experience every step of the journey to reach it and cannot skip ahead. 

The path is ahead, and I need to walk it. 

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