Friday, December 28, 2012

Holiday Ennui

I haven't written in a while because I haven't really been very active. The holidays are stressful times. I also managed to get myself quite sick and have been miserable for a week straight! Oof. Over the holidays I managed to keep up with some weighted sit ups and I've also been practicing my ring dips and push ups with some vigor. Coworker K got me this sweet exercise diary: 

So I'm looking forward to working on my "New Training Plan". I think I may have to take a month away from the box since the holidays broke my wallet as well as my health. I'm planning on using this time to 'train' for going back to CrossFit. I'm going to work very intensely on my trouble areas so that way I can perform better when I save up the cost of dues. This is the program I talked about briefly a few posts ago about improving my Push Ups. I'm going to expand that to a whole fitness regimen and keep track of it in my new diary. With any luck, in a year or two, I'll be up to the level I want to be at if I supplement CrossFit with more specific training. Gotta get better at running too, while I'm at it. 

That brings me to the end of 2012. It's resolution time again, and I suppose now is as good a time as any to outline my goals for 2013 after reflecting on how this year went. 

New Years Resolutions

-Cut alcohol consumption to ONE (1) drink per week or less. No more. 
-Exercise outside the gym, even when I'm lazy feeling. I have the equipment, so nothing is stopping me but myself. 
-During CrossFit months, I need to make it to the box 5 days a week.
-Complete the Couch 2 5k Program.
-Do the Color Run again!
-Accomplish at least one unassisted Pull Up then 10 and then 50.
-Accomplish first 10 and then 50 and then 100 strict Push Ups.
-Pay off at least one credit card, preferably both.
-Pay Mum back some of what she's given me in life.
-Call my family more often.
-Keep up with my YNAB accounting until I reach those goals. 
-Make at least one (1) meal at home fresh/raw, and eat from home for all other meals (made in advance/leftovers/etc).
-Only eat out (including lunch!) once every two weeks or less.
-Be on schedule with school and don't wait till deadlines to avoid stress.
-Spend money on food instead of toys.
-Grow things to eat!
-Open the blinds in my apartment occasionally, even if that gang of feral children is playing outside.

If I think of anything else, I'll add it on! 

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