Monday, December 17, 2012


I was once again rather "sluggish" over the weekend, mostly laying around and wondering why I seem incapable of accomplishing anything that I set out to do. For instance, Christmas decorations are still not up and I haven't finished making presents for my family and friends. Where does the time go!?

I did manage to get up and make it to CrossFit today though, which is good, because last night I was prostrate with what appeared to be extreme stress. I felt a tightness in my chest that was not dissimilar to the TWO allergic brushes with extreme discomfort that I experienced Friday. (Curse you walnuts!) I felt like I was going to fall apart, and I was afraid I'd keep failing myself. 

But I didn't.

Warm Up:
10 Minutes
-5 Burpees
-10 Ball Slams (20lb)
-250 Meter Row
-50 Single Unders

Power Clean/Clean and Jerk (Got up to 37lbs for my Power Cleans, but dropped it back down for the WOD)

AMRAP 20 Minutes
-5 Hand Release Push Ups (I used a box, of course, but felt it in my chest, which is ideal)
-6 Power Cleans (32lb)
-7 Push Jerk/Push Press (I did Dumbell Push Presses instead, as my elbow still doesn't like overhead barbell lifts, apparently. I started the first 3 rounds with 2 17.5lb weights, then dropped down to 12.5lb.)

I did nine rounds! I told myself I had to do at least 8, so that was good, and I took breaks to get tutelage from Coach H about my Push Ups. I managed to bruise my collar bone while I was at it, so I know I did something right?

"This will be black tomorrow"

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