As I sit at my desk pounding half of a stale muffin with tea and wishing it were a grapefruit, I am slowly trying to assimilate everything that has been happening since last I wrote.
Friday I didn't go to CrossFit, having become overrun with the usual ennui that comes periodically (lol!) with being a woman (gross.) I felt a little down about it, but set out to have a romantic evening with the boy at The Melting Pot. It was a nice night and he mentioned 'defining our relationship'. We didn't really finish the conversation though. I spent the night pondering the situation, and Saturday on a trip to the grocery store, I brought it up again, and by the afternoon, we were Official. Not just official, but Faceficial. It's a little strange to be in a relationship. I wasn't really expecting this to come about just a few months ago, and yet here I am! I worry sometimes that I'm a little too sad to be with anyone. I feel guilty that "A" has to play the "shoulder to cry on" so often. I want to only show him the happy side of me, but I guess I'm really lucky that he won't settle for less than everything.
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But I do have THIS~! |
A few minor freak out moments over the weekend meant that I didn't get to my homework as soon as I'd have liked, and the stress from the looming move, stress from not getting my homework done, stress at weirdly being in a relationship all of a sudden (no matter how adorable), stress from foolishly entering a mall on a weekend, and stress from scary LIFE happening without preamble.... kinda led to me taking a sick day on Monday. I think I was coming down with something anyway, and jitters kept me awake all night Sunday, and I just said, "Screw It. I'm staying home." It was also very cold out.
I spent the day laying around my apartment (on the floor again) dealing with hormones and watching weepy chick flicks until my friend "I" sent me a message along the lines of, "Get off the floor and come to CrossFit at 5:30." I had a "Duh" moment. Of COURSE I should go to CrossFit! I always feel better about my stress levels when I go work out. The only way I got through last semester's finals was with CrossFit, why didn't I think of this sooner?
So I went to the box and the owner once again commented about how much he enjoys my blog, and was really encouraging about my energy to keep taking new directions. It was strange to see so many new faces (night time people rarely come to 6 AM) and extra weird to have "I" there. I was a little nervous that it would be uncomfortable doing my modified sissy workouts with him around seeing how lame I am... but I didn't even notice him. Fortunately, I don't think he saw when I stumbled over my pile of bumper plates either. Here I'd been worried for so long about letting a friend see me in my CrossFit sweaty wimptastic beast mode, but I was so busy dying that I didn't even care. Here's what we did:
Warm Up:
10 Minutes
-100 Single Unders
-20 Squats
-20 Lunges
-1 Minute Battling Ropes
Back Squat
This was really quick, and I shared my station with a nice new woman, so I didn't add on a bunch of weight. I still do my squats with a box, but I think that was kinda messing her up, as Coach J expressed concern about her form. When we took the box away though, she did an excellent job (according to the other Coach "B" (I think it was B, I don't know the afternoon coaches)
Rx = 5 Rounds for Time (I did three in 22:51)
-Run or Row 400 Meters (I rowed, duh.)
-30 Box Jumps (3x 45lb Bumper Plates, which is low... and I still managed to trip over it on my first jump... right in front of Coach B! Yup.)
-30 Wall Balls (With the box. Coach J indicated my form looks good with the box, but that he can see how if I tried going lower than the 20 inches, I'd probably get really wobbly.
Tonight I'm back to school, which is decidedly uncomfortable considering the amount of protest my body is doing after taking on "Kelly" last night. Pray for me.
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