So it was nice to have a quiet night re-learning how to be near another person in my apartment and not be uncomfortable. Like I said, I read our 'fortunes' with some cards and we laughed about how topical some of the predictions were. Apparently, I'm a psychic (at least that's what a psychic told me once, lol).
But I digress, I have been more and more frequently having to fight my way through awkwardness around other people. This comes in phases, just like the depression, and I know it will pass, but it's still really frustrating that I can't just relax and be in the moment when I'm with people.
Anyway, last night I did a bit of work after making a very delicious lemon pudding cake thing. It was super good! Here's what I did for the mini work out. I was quite flushed and sweaty by the time it was over. Those Double Under attempts kicked my butt, and I didn't have any success with them! I have accomplished a DU, but I haven't done it since that first day, and so last night was the first day of more practice with that, because seriously, I should be better at it by now!
-150 Uninterrupted Sit Ups
-60 Renegade Rows (10lb Dumbbells)
10:00 Jump Rope
That brings us to this morning. I realized as I was scraping off my car to go to the box that the hardest part about going to CF in the morning was over. It is the first 5-10 minutes after my alarm goes off, while I'm weighing the pros and cons of getting up and going to the gym. I managed to find more pros to getting up today, so that's good. I hope I can continue thinking of reasons though, because the whole "you get to look at men's muscles if you go!!!" seems a little misguided. Here's what we did:
Warm Up:
Ten Minutes
-100 Jump Rope
-100 Flutter Kicks
1:00 High Knees
-25 Lateral Jumps
1:00 Plank
Back Squat
5-3-3-3-1 (I hit up to 52 lbs with a box. Also did this racked for the first time since joining CF)
3 Rounds for Time
-12 Front Squats (42lbs)
-12 Burpee Pull Ups (Used a box)
3 Rounds
-25 KettleBell Swings
-25 Ball Slams (25 and then 15lbs)
I had to stop half-way through the finisher today as my back gave me a particularly poignant stabbing feeling all of a sudden. At first I thought it was just a stitch in my side from bouncing around during the workout, but then when I bent over to retrieve my slam ball, my back informed me that I could go f* myself.
It was disappointing to have to stop, but the pain was a little frightening, especially since it's been 7 hours and it is still stabbing me. Yikes!
As is usual after CrossFit, I got to work and started the coffee before getting cleaned up and changing into my work clothes (I may not be the most productive employee, but darn it, I can make sure my boss has coffee waiting for him when he gets here!). For some reason, I was uncomfortable after changing out of my gym attire though. I kept being irritated as I went about my business for the first hour or so, wondering why I wore a T-shirt under my flannel, as it was bunching up and too tight around my shoulders/biceps. Then I realized I was wearing a tank top! I haven't worn this flannel shirt in a while, and it is glaringly obvious today that my arm muscles are now too big to fit in these skinny Holister sleeves!!! It's kinda freaky actually, and highly uncomfortable. I look like one of those "bro" type guys who wears shirts that are too small in order to look muscular. It's very weird.
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What the Hell? |
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