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What does it mean!?! |
We didn't really warm up or do skills, as this workout took a "long darn time".
"Lumberjack 20 Hero WOD"
-20 Deadlifts (53lbs)
-Row 400 Meters
-20 KettleBell Swings (26lbs)
-Row 400 Meters
-20 Overhead Squats (I did goblet squats with the KB, since I was wobbly.)
-Row 400 Meters
-20 Burpees
-Row 400 Meters
-20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (bands, of course.)
-Row 400 Meters
-20 Box Jumps (3x 45lb bumper plates)
-Row 400 Meters
-20 Dumbbell Squat Cleans
-Row 400 Meters
Time: Oh Gosh, it was over 30 minutes sometime.
Not going to lie, those DB Squat Cleans nearly sent me to vomit-town. Oof. It was really great to be back at CrossFit though, and the hugs from the owners made me feel pretty good. They are exceptionally caring of me there, for their part. Coach H is always checking up on the state of my back and making sure I'm not hurting myself. Coach J, while I rarely work with him, is incredibly helpful when it comes to making sure my form is good. Poor man had to actually hold onto my knee while I was doing the Squat Cleans on Friday, lol. That's how wobbly it was.
Over the weekend, I wasn't as sore as I thought I was going to be, which was nice. I'm still going through the New Year's phase where I assess my life and my goals, and so I was thinking a lot about opportunity cost, especially as it relates to 3 areas of my life:
Finances/Health: I have to consider the things I'm giving up financially in order to be able to afford things like CrossFit and good food. (Although last night I hit Randazzo's and got a ton of stuff for a whopping $12) This means that I won't be frivolously having wine dinners or runs to Target at lunch. No more throwing money into weight loss challenges that I'm sure to lose. I need to spend my money on good food and CrossFit. I know it sounds a little silly, but it really sucks not being able to buy nutritious foods.
Roots/Freedom: I've been thinking a lot about this one, since this past fall I was really really REALLY wanting to buy a house. I want to settle down and have a yard and a garden and a home of my own where I can not feel ashamed of inviting people over. I want neighbors. I want a puppy! Unfortunately, tying myself down with a house is not only stupendously financially risky at this particular juncture, but it may also keep me away from opportunities. What if my company decides to open another office somewhere and want me to go work in it (Lol, a girl can dream!)? Would I say no? Would I have a house burdening me that I don't even live in? I just don't know.
I realize that part of my desire to settle down with my own home is because I'm very over waiting. I always grew up with that mentality that someday I'd meet "the one" and we'd get married and get a house and then a family, blah blah. Here I am though, in a holding pattern. Am I waiting for some imaginary guy to come along and make everything happen? Am I waiting to settle down because I'm afraid of doing it alone? F*. That. Noise. I'm more than capable of handling crap on my own, and so why not get a house? Aside from being kept from the freedom to blow away whenever I choose. My wanderlust has been sated each year by my field research trips for the Master's program, but this is my last year. Then what? What if I need to get away? How can I run away from or towards things while hauling around a house and a garden and a bunch of roots?
Autonomy/Companionship: Autonomy to me is having the ability to make my own decisions and the trust in myself that I can make them for the right moral/ethical political, social, or fiscal reasons. This includes but is not limited to all of the stuff under the other two opportunity cost categories, but also when it comes to relationships. I'm EXCEPTIONALLY independent in some ways when it comes to being in relationships, despite the fact that I'm lonely and looking for love most of the time. I am sincerely bothered by the thought of having to answer to anyone. Is that selfish? Just like when I visit my parents, I find myself vaguely annoyed whenever they even ask me where I'm going or what I'm doing ("I'm just going to the bathroom..."). This extends into my relationships. When I look back at my last official S.O. (my gosh, was it really THAT long ago?!), I remember just being on edge the whole time because someone was in my space, in my business, and trying to get into my head. Isn't it enough that a lover be in your heart and hand?
By opening myself up to relationships this year, the opportunity cost is not being able to go out all night or to not eat three meals a day. It means feeling obligated to discuss my plans instead of playing things by ear. It means shaving my legs (perhaps the deepest cut of all!) It's going to be hard to adjust, should the situation change. It's going to mean changes in a lot of my friendships as well, as I've never met a man (aside from BFF "J") who didn't get jealous of me spending time with other males.
Freedom is a beautiful thing.
Anyway, here's what happened at CrossFit today! I was feeling very sassy this morning and had a fun time. As I drove to the gym, wondering why I was up at such an unholy hour, I realized that CrossFit isn't necessarily my daily workout anymore. It's almost like a sport league or something that I go play with my friends a few times a week. How cool is that?
Warm Up:
Tabata x 1
:20 Mountain Climbers
:10 Rest
:20 Jump Rope
:10 Double Unders
:20 Jump Rope
:10 Rest
:20 Squats
:10 Rest
Clean and Jerk
I worked at 42lbs since my cleans aren't particularly powerful just yet. The overhead work still ganks up my elbow though, so I was delighted that the WOD was Power Cleans.
-15 Power Cleans
-30 Ring Dips
-12 Power Cleans
-24 Ring Dips
-9 Power Cleans
-15 Ring Dips
-6 Power Cleans
-12 Ring Dips
-3 Power Cleans
-6 Ring Dips
Time: 12:56
-300 Single Flutter Kicks
OH. I also thought of another resolution: learn a skill. I discovered recently that I admire my friends and crushes because they are GOOD AT SOMETHING. I don't really have any skills that I learned through practice, so I figure I better pick one up. This "article" agrees with me.
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