Managed to make myself go grocery shopping last night, so for I've got some decent food in the house for a change! Also having dinner with N & D. I'm super excited for pulled pork tacos! Last night I made some egg salad for dinner and will be having leftovers for lunch today. Instead of mayo, I used an avocado this time around. It's delicious! But enough about food. Hit the gym this morning.

Tabata x2
:20 Mountain Climbers
:10 Plank
:20 Lateral Squats
:10 Squat Bottom
:20 Lateral Squats
:10 Rest
:20 Knee to Chest Jumps
:10 Rest
Learned Squat Clean (22lbs, separated into Power Clean and squatting on a box. Ouch.)
1 Minute Rest
-Squat Clean
-Ring Dips (I did box dips)
-Row (for Calories)
Another Round of 21-15-9 (Yeah, I didn't get this far.)
After dinner last night I sat quietly and did a lot of deep thinking. Realized as I was trying to talk to some of my friends that they're not really the right type of friends to have certain conversations with. This is my problem, trying to force things, or forgetting that the reality in my head doesn't match the reality of the world.
Last night I was pretty blue, and my natural first instinct in that case is to get my Captain's on. Last night though it occurred to me that I've been drinking a lot less lately. I may have a drink every few days, but I rarely finish it. I think fitness is replacing my love of alcohol. It's also changing my appetite. Another thing I'm going to let fitness change is my frivolity.
No more frivolous spending (said no to a cute dress on clearance because even for the price, I couldn't think of a good reason to buy it)
No more frivolous nights of procrastination
No more frivolous words
No more frivolous affairs or friendships
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Awww, memories! |
While my boyfriend at the time and other friends made fun of me for joining a sorority, I look back on it as the best decision I made in college. Then again, at my small liberal arts school, the tiny Phi Mu chapter was not what comes to mind when one imagines Greek life. Anyway, I came out of my shell and made some of my closest and best friends through Phi Mu. I took the words to heart and meant them every time I said them (with the exception of acknowledging one omnipotent God.) I think I'm a better person because of my time there, and if the Creed got me through back then, maybe I should reference it more often these days.
To lend to those less fortunate a helping hand.
To think of God as a protector and guide of us all.
To keep forever sacred the memory of those we have loved and lost.
To be to others what we would they would be to us.
To keep our lives gentle, merciful and just,
Thus being true to the womanhood of love.
Being steadfast in every duty small or large.
Believing that our given word is binding.
Striving to esteem the inner man above culture, wealth or pedigree.
Being honorable, courteous, tender,
Thus being true to the womanhood of honor.
To give freely of our sympathies.
To reverence God as our Maker, striving to serve Him in all things.
To minister to the needy and unfortunate.
To practice day by day love, honor, truth.
Thus keeping true to the meaning, spirit and reality of Phi Mu.
Looking at this post, I'm pretty disjointed today. I think my mind must still be wading through seas of deep thoughts.
Discussion with BFF J today made it clear that I need to stop investing myself in areas that take me away from what I want. I already knew this, of course, but he makes it sound so easy. It makes me think that I can do it (for at least a few minutes.) That brings us to today's Reason: Because it's all within my control, and I can choose to do what makes me happy instead of choosing to let myself down.
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