Thursday, July 4, 2013

Week One: Success!!

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
-25 Jumping Jacks
-25 Flutter Kicks
-25 Squats
-25 Jumping Pull Ups

WOD 1:
4 Rounds
-250 Meter Run
-15 Box Jumps (I did step ups since I apparently have zero balance these days and nearly fell off my 3 45lb bumper plates)
Time: 11:07

WOD 2:
3 Rounds
-15 Knees to Elbows
-15 Calorie Row
-15 Hand Release Push Ups
Time: 10:45

The July Challenge:
-1000 Burpees

Burpee Count for July so far: 83. 

Coach H told me she was proud of me and that my Push Up form was looking wonderful. I saw Coach J this morning too, and he asked me how I was and seemed impressed that I'd been to CF four days in a row. 

Let me tell you, it feels good to have been successful this week. I was so worried I wouldn't make it. This morning too, I was a little depressed when I woke up on this holiday morning with a graduate school paper hanging over my head and a feeling of loneliness. I woke up about 20 minute before my alarm (at least it wasn't at five today!) and sat in bed wondering if I was too sore and bummed out to go to the box. 

Then I got up and put on my clothes. Had a couple fresh strawberries from the farmer's market. Drove myself to the box. I figured that as long as I was there, I might as well WOD. I'm glad I did, because I feel better now, even though this one had me huffing and puffing and staggering around. (I hate you, running.)

"I" was there as well, and I haven't seen him since well before my sabbatical began. That boy has gotten fitter if possible and it was nice to see a friendly face, even though I was reminded sharply that I had wanted "A" to come see what CrossFit is all about today, but our plans fell through. I highly doubt I'm going to get him up at 5 AM on a weeknight to witness me slowly grinding my body down into something resembling a fit person. 

Oh well. I'm having a good day, and am all settled into my desk now for some paper writing and Thai food leftovers. Happy 4th, everyone!  

Delicious vascular epiphyte research!

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