Monday, July 8, 2013

Shins and Sun

Had a lovely weekend up at "A's" family's cottage on a lake. I enjoyed the sun (without getting burned) and relaxed after busting my buns to finish a paper last week while working on-call for the day after the holiday. It was really nice to be there with "A" and his family and I felt like this is what summer is all about. We got back pretty  late on Sunday night though, thanks to ridiculous Michigan South-bound traffic, and I stayed over at his place. I wasn't sure how that would work this morning.

Last night I couldn't fall asleep even though I went to bed around 9:30 (my usual time for CrossFit nights) because I'd been napping all weekend and just wasn't tired. I forced myself to stay in bed though, and must have dozed off since I didn't hear the boy come to bed until he cuddled up with me. All night I tossed and turned, worried about missing CrossFit, and when my alarm went off just before five, I was wide awake instantly. 

It crossed my mind that since it's my birthday this week, maybe I didn't need to get out of bed. It's a long drive, I'll have to put gas in the car, I'll be tired tomorrow, my wrist hurts, my hips were hurting all night... all of it flashed through my head as the mattress called me back to warm hazy sleep. 

But as "A" pointed out, if I'm on the fence about whether I should go or not, I should obviously go. So I did!
The drive didn't take any longer than it would have done from my house, and the music the whole way was wonderful, including a current favorite. Here's what happened at the box: 

Warm Up:
2 Rounds
-250 Meter Row
-10 Zombies
-5x 10 Second Plank Holds to Hand Release Push Ups
-10 Squats
-10 Bird Walks
I feel optimistic about today.

2 Rounds (I used PVC for all, to work on my form)
-Overhead Squat 
-Balance Press (I don't actually remember what this was called.)
-Balance Press With Dip
-Snatch Balance

WOD 1:
10 Minute AMRAP
-30 Double Unders (90 SU)
-15 Power Snatch (22lbs)

I got 2.25 rounds.

WOD 2:
EMOM for 5 Minutes
-5 Hang Snatch
-Double Unders for the rest of the minute. 

My shins are killing me after all the jumping, and all the squatting during the skill work has my ankles feeling very strange. As I was getting tired during the overhead squats, I just kind let myself drop into things. Coach H said that my hips opened up properly for the squat when I did that... the only downside is that my heels weren't exactly on the ground. It gives me hope though that someday I'll be able to do things properly. As it is, today's shaping up to be a nice one! :)

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