Thursday, July 11, 2013

Birthday Burpees... Postponed!

Got a fabulous birthday gift from my favorite boss-lady today. When "A" and I were at her place for the 4th of July, we played a lawn game she has called "Rollors" which involved throwing/rolling disc shaped pieces of wood toward targets with rules vaguely reminiscent of horseshoes. I beat "A" twice by a large margin each time, despite his prowess as a high school discus throwing record holder. He is still not really over the shame of it. So anyway, boss-lady gave me the game for my birthday! Beware "A", I'm bringing this game up to the cottage with us so I can defeat you in front of all your friends. <3


Here's what happened at CrossFit this morning. I'm a little surprised I managed to get up and go, especially considering I had a serious case of "I can sleep in, it's my birthday" as well as the nagging feeling of "I should really shower and get good looking this morning instead of hitting the gym, since I've got a date later and probably smell funny and "A" hasn't seen my hair styled since Valentine's Day".  I went though, and I'm sore and shaky and the sky is blue. What a great day. 

Warm Up:
2 Rounds
-200 Meter Run
-10 Inch Worms
-10 PVC Pass Throughs
-10 Squats
-10 KettleBell Swings ('Murican)
1:00 Battle Ropes
-10 Walking Lunges

WOD 1:
Death By V-Ups
-1 Medicine Ball V-Up in Minute 1 (14lbs)
-2 MB  V-Up in Minute 2
-3 MB V-Up in Minute 3
We made it through 15 rounds all together.

5 Rounds
-3 Clean Pulls
-1 Squat Clean
I started with the 22lb bar, and moved up to 32lbs. It was still very light compared to the rest of the class, but I just don't seem to have much strength as far as Cleans are concerned, especially Hang Cleans, which were what we did for WOD 2.

Death By Hang Cleans
-1 Hang Clean in Minute 1 (32lbs like a big wuss)
-2 Hang Cleans in Minute 2
-3 Hang Cleans in Minute 3 
I made it to 15 rounds, and likely could have gone to 16 or 17 if the 7 AM class hadn't been gearing up. I'm the only one who made it through that many rounds, and it's obviously because I used such a low weight compared to the other people. I felt kinda worried all through the WOD that I was being too easy on myself with the light weight, but I was so worried about hurting my legs even more, since they are once again tender today, and even Hang Cleans put pressure on them. 

Because I was mentally beating myself up for not going with a heavier weight for the WOD (Although, truthfully, I don't think I can Clean 42lbs at all, let alone Hang Cleans), I was determined to get to the highest number possible in WOD 2. I was also really serious about obeying the rules for form, swinging my hips forward instead of just dipping/pulling the bar up with my elbows high and trying to pop it up over onto my collarbones (which was successful, unfortunately. My poor bones will be blue tomorrow)/shrugging my shoulders at the right time. 

Coach C hollered out that I was doing a good job a couple of times during the Hang Cleans, which was really encouraging. I'm not sure if she meant it because I looked like I needed encouragement, my form was good, or I was sticking with it after everyone else had finished in order to get my 15 rounds. I like to think it was my form though. :) 

When I was all finished, I couldn't feel the toes on either of my feet, so I didn't feel as bad about my 32lbs. I was also thinking that maybe my 27 Birthday Burpees wouldn't be such a great idea under the circumstances. Coach H suggested that we do our burpees together next Tuesday, which is her 31st birthday, and we can trade ages, lol. What's four more burpees? I can handle that. So anyway, the burpees are postponed until Tuesday, which will hopefully give my toes and calves/shins time to recover. 

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