Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ouch Again

Last night when I was in the shower, I saw myself naked... and I was offended. 

This is a problem, especially since I've been thinking lately about how my attitude about myself can influence others. This article sums it up nicely. If I keep telling myself and other people how horrible and ugly I am simply because I'm fluffy around the middle... what if they start listening to me? What if my friends that are less in shape than I am start to believe that if my little bit of stomach pooch is disgusting, I must find them repulsive? What if my boyfriend starts believing me when I say that he deserves someone prettier? What if my future daughter has low self-esteem because she grew up seeing me feeling guilty about eating a cupcake? 

So I told myself last night that I wouldn't trash talk myself like that anymore. It's a 26 year habit I need to break, and it's going to be hard, but there's enough negativity in my life and the world without me complaining how bad I've got it.

Of course, a coworker just showed up with donuts. Oh no. 

This morning I was concerned that waking up was going to be tough. My body hurts SO bad and I was so stiff when I woke up that I was almost queezy. I managed to grandma-walk myself out to the car and go to CrossFit though, and even though my arms hurt too much to brush my hair, I somehow managed to do the WOD. Gosh, endorphins are lovely...

Here's what I did!

Warm Up:
2 Rounds
-200 Meter Run
-10 Inch Worms With Push Ups
-10 Sit Ups
-10 Ball Slams (20lb)
:30 Battle Ropes
-10 PVC Pass Through

Power Clean & Jerks
Got up to 42lbs and actually managed a lovely C&J rather than a Clean and Push Press. My elbow didn't complain at that weight, but my hip started feeling funny as I was lifting from the ground.

I substituted the prescribed Squat Cleans with Hang Cleans (at 32lbs and then 22lbs for the last 10) plus Front Squats on a box.
-10 Hang Cleans / Front Squats
-20 Wall Ball Sit Ups (14lbs)
-160 Double Unders Attempts/ Single Unders (I would do about 5 SUs and then go for a DU. I managed to get 4 of them, a new daily best!)
-15 Hang Cleans / Front Squats
-20 WB Sit Ups
-120 DU Attempts/ SU
-20 Hang Cleans / Front Squats
-20 WB Sit Ups
-120 DU Attempts/SU

I was one of the last (if not the last) to finish today (17:45 I think?), but I felt good about it. I was read in the face and had to push myself, and like I said, I managed 4 DUs today! (not in a row, but still) and then I also felt really good about my Clean & Jerk as I don't think I ever managed a really nice one before since my elbow usually protests overhead lifts. 

Perhaps the tightness in my biceps that is keeping me from straightening my arm is helping keep my joints in line. New Coach Trainee today gave me some pointers for my knee stability during squats. He suggested keeping my weight on my feet at the inside of my toe and outside of my heel. When I tilt my foot to sit flat, I do feel more stable, but it's very obvious that my hip flexibility is a big problem with those squats still.

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