I did make it to CrossFit on Tuesday for Coach H's birthday. Unfortunately, Wednesday morning my back was killing me. As it turns out, doing bacterial work at the fume hood leads me to hunch over uncomfortably for long periods of time. I decided to take a rest day to give it time to heal. "A" kindly told me that taking a rest when I'm hurting is not going to ruin my CF record. Unfortunately, last night was 100 degrees in my room, and so my sleep was farcical once again, and I missed the box this morning. I'm kinda bummed out about it, but I can always do some burpees at lunch time to make myself feel better.
Lately I've just been so mad all the time. As I'm sitting at the office, I'm annoyed about every little thing. It seems like the past few weeks I've either been crying or fuming mad. I just don't know what the problem is, but I think I need some change. I'm a little concerned thinking about the future again. I know, I know. I should be living in the moment, I just have a lot of anxiety about what the next move is for me.
I'm finished with my Master's in December, and I guess I'm a little surprised it happened so soon. I need to figure out what to do with this degree now that I have it. I'm so afraid that it's not going to help me at all professionally, and that I've been paying a few grand out of pocket for three years for nothing. I guess the original plan had been to teach at a community college on the side after I finished this degree as a way to earn some extra money.
I've also got thoughts of advancing at my company on my mind (I can't stay entry level forever...right?) and I'm flirting with the idea of a PhD in another couple of years. School just never seemed like such a risky gamble before. I've got friends who never attended college or who dropped out who are now making more money than I am, and are not carrying around a boat-load of student loan debt. Since when did getting a biology degree (or two or three) become the foolish choice?
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And what about that white picket fence? I have a very close, precious friend who has a 1 year old son and who is looking for a new house in a nice neighborhood where she can raise him with her husband and do things like host book clubs and go to PTA meetings. She and I dream sometimes of raising kids together and throwing the best birthday parties with life-size dinosaur pinatas, etc. I'm missing out on that dream already, and at the rate I'm going, I won't be financially, socially, or romantically stable enough to join her for another 5-10 years. Hell, I may be too old to even have a family by the time I'm ready to have a family, lol.
I guess I'm just going through that state of "What do I want?" again, and it's exacerbated by me being completely and utterly disorganized and broke simultaneously. Wonder what I'm going to do.
--Tuesday's Entry--
Warm Up:
-200 Meter Run
-10 PVC Pass-Through
-10 PVC Good Mornings
-10 PVC Overhead Squats
-10 Burpees
-5 Cobra Stretches
-200 Meter Run
And then Coach H showed up for her birthday Burpees. I did 31 and she did 27. (I think. She may have done 31 as well.) She also showed me a better way to jump up out of the bottom of the Burpee by having my feet wider apart. It certainly made me more stable and I used the skill in today's WOD.
"Happy Birthday H."
-31 Hang Squat Cleans (I did 32lbs and modified to Hang Cleans + Front Squats with a box)
-6 Man-Makers:
**-Burpee down into a Dumbbell Push Up
**-Renegade Row each arm (12.5lbs)
**-Burpee back up into a Dumbbell Squat Thruster
**-Overhead Dumbbell Lunge each leg.
-62 Double Unders or 62 DU Attempts. NO Single Unders
-6 Man-Makers
-62 One Arm Alternating KettleBell Swings
-6 Man-Makers
-62 DUs or DU Attempts
This was a very sweaty and grueling WOD, but I managed to finish in 27:11. Feeling like I've rattled all sorts of body parts loose as I sit here at work now, but I'm glad I made it in and rocked it today. And while the KB Swings made me want to throw up, I'm proud of myself for having such a gross sweaty finish. My clothes were soaked when I changed into my lab attire!
July Burpee Challenge Count: 114. I'm going to need to ramp this up a little. I'm not going to finish at this rate!