Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I've Got The Power! Now Let's Dance!

Hit the gym bright and early this morning... well early anyway. There was no electricity at the CrossFit box! 
Rather than call it off like a bunch of wimps though, we decided to work out in the dark. Here's what we did:

Warm Up:
1 Minute Battle Ropes
1 Length of Walking Lunges
10 Burpees
2 Minute Row

Double Unders! 
1 Minute Ghost Double Unders
2 Minutes Single Unders 
1 Minute Ghost Double Unders
2 Minutes Double Unders

I didn't manage to do any, but I feel like I have a better shot at it now that I know the technique. 

Ring Row
Dumbbell Push Press (I only used 7.5lb weights, cause I am a failure today)
Knees to Elbows

I finished last, at 12:53.

50 Wall Balls with the 6lb ball. 
(This nearly did me in, I wanted to vomit.)

Despite feeling like the finisher nearly finished me, I know I could have pushed myself harder during today's workout. I'm kinda grumpy at myself for walking out of the gym in such good condition. As a result, I'm going to do some more jump rope tonight and some ab work. That brings us to today's Reason: Because I know I can do it. 

At work today, I had dance music on all afternoon, and I feel frisky, and want to get up and move! Also kept better track of my food intake today, since I've been slacking on it. Overall, despite LIFE being a pain today, I still feel pretty good. That's the miracle of endorphins I guess!

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