This morning I conquered the hardest part about going to the box (getting out of my wonderful bed) and turned up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Here's what we did:
Warm Up:
10 Minutes
-250 Meter Row
-10 Pull Ups
-50 Jump Ropes
-1 Minute Plank
-1 Minute Battling Ropes
New Personal Record! 83lbs! (it was 82 last time)
I used the 33lb bar this time instead of the 22, and it feels very strange. I don't like it as well, and the markings on the barbell aren't as easy to find, which takes me longer to get my grip where I want it.
4 Rounds For Time
-15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (33lbs)
-25 Walking Lunges (Each Leg)
-35 Double Unders/ DU Attempts
My time was... hmm. 21:50? Or was that yesterday? I need to start writing these things down.
I'm currently at my office working on a small class assignment about gratitude. I'm thinking of the leaders that I'd like to thank for helping me on my path professionally, personally, and from day to day.
In this blog, I think you all know who I would like to express my gratitude to: The people at CrossFit.
If it hadn't been for Coaches J, H, and K, and my friends J, N, and I over at the box, I don't know where I'd be today. Looking back at how sad and stressed out I've been the past few months, I thank my lucky stars that I got the Groupon that started it all. These people may not know me outside the box, but they have made my life better by smiling when I turn up and helping me keep on track.
If Coach H didn't check up on me and make sure I'm not hurting myself during every workout, would I push myself to injury the way many female athletes tend to (according to this book I'm reading right now)? Without the knowleadge that they care about me not being stupid and getting injured, would I simply take the easy way out and stay home to 'rest' my injury for a year or two?
If Coach K didn't give me tips and joke with me and the other students, would I have had the courage to find her and the other coaches on Facebook and join the community online that entertains me all day?
If Coach J didn't "like" this blog on Facebook and always take the time to talk to me on the rare occasions I get to see him, would I be as dedicated to the box? If he hadn't insisted on me coming in at a lower dues rate during January when I was utterly broke, and cut me such a good deal, would I have ever come back?
If I couldn't say hello to J who started at CrossFit the same morning I did, or talk to "I" about proper Double Under technique (I got one today, by the way!), would I still be as enthusiastic? If I couldn't screw around with N when she's 'climbing' the half-rope next to me, would I still have as much fun in the mornings?
I just don't know the answers to these questions, but I do know that I have a deep sense of gratitude that these people came into my life at a time when I needed them.
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