Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Bliss of Enlightenment and Creative Epiphanies

In just a few days, it's like my entire life exploded outward in a rush of positive energy and ideas. This is rare for me. It's only happened a few times before, and each time heralded a grand change in my life. I'm typically pretty low energy and often sad, only devoting my persistence and creativity to single projects outside the scope of my own health and happiness. (i.e. creating ornate care packages to mail to pen-pals instead of caring for myself.) 

I'm not sure if it's the 7-Day Fitness Challenge itself that's inspired me so much... or if it's that the stars have aligned and my Soul Sister and I are going to attempt creating a dual-powered health/happiness/fitness/friendliness initiative. We're going to pool our resources and create something great for ourselves. (And hopefully we'll help others in the process!)

Here's Day 3 and Day 4 of the Challenge, for those of you following along at home. 

Stay tuned, something great is brewing!

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