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Tasted better than it looks. |
This week I took Monday and Tuesday off. I was sick on Monday, and had homework I needed desperately to finish, but on Tuesday I just didn't want to go. I went home after work instead and made myself this delicious chicken salad.
I walked into the box this morning and saw the WOD and thought, "Oh no. This is going to take me forever."
Warm Up:
-250 Meter Row
-2 Lengths Farmer's Carry
-50 Flutter Kicks
-50 Mountain Climbers
:30 Second Plank
-L-Sits (I did 2x 1 Minute with knees drawn up on the parallel pvc pipes. Didn't attempt the rings)
-Hand Stands (I did 2x Max hold semi-hand stands by walking up the wall with my feet)
-Wall Balls (15lbs)
-Pull Ups (Green and Blue Bands, as I use in my practices with "I")
-Double Unders (I actually pounded out three DUs during the skill session when I was warming up. I just remembered all the advice I'd been given and they just happened. Didn't manage any during the WOD though, of course.)
Time: 20:10
I've been kinda blue again. The move is going relatively well, and I think my new housemate and I will get along fine, so that's not bothering me. School is a bit more stressful than usual though, since I need to submit for publication to a peer-reviewed journal this semester. I guess I just don't feel like my manuscript is good enough to get into any journals. Maybe a fluffy yoga magazine or something like that, but certainly nothing of scholarly repute, haha.
I wonder if I'm restless because I'm sick of winter and of being cold and tired all the time. I feel like I've been hemmoraging money again too, and tuition payments coming up next month are causing some eye twitching. I got paid 5 days ago and already my entire paycheck has been devoted to various bills and automatic student loan withdrawals. How frustrating it is to not be able to buy good food when that was one of my biggest goals!
Speaking of goals/ resolutions, I'd like to talk about alcohol.
I don't miss getting drunk and stupid. I don't even really notice that I've quit most of the time. I did break my resolution twice last week though. Both Saturday nights I was out with friends I hadn't seen in a long time, and each time I had 3 beers over the course of a few hours. I never got tipsy, I never said something stupid I shouldn't, I just enjoyed socializing and being relaxed and trying some new flavors of Magic Hat. (By the way, who can drink #9? That stuff tastes like potpourri!) I guess what I'm saying is that I refuse to be mad at myself for breaking a resolution in this case. I spend too much time mad at myself.
So what else is new? I guess I've been thinking the past two weeks about the phrase, "If you want to work here, CLOSE" which has been a theme in a few of my other posts in the past month or two. Last week when I got back up to CrossFit four times in one week, I felt like I was closing. As Alec Baldwin would imply before calling me a worthless motherf*er, it's there for the taking and I just have to go get it. Fitness is there for me if I want it. Do I want it enough?
Monday and Tuesday I felt bad about not hitting CF, so each night before bed I did Push Ups or Sit Ups to help assuage the guilt. It didn't really help. There's a million opportunities every day where I could be stepping closer to a fitness goal, but I don't take them. What am I waiting for?
What am I waiting for?
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