This morning I was awake at 4:50 and switched on the space heater in my little room. I popped out of bed and found some supremely unfashionable clothes, and then I drove to CrossFit.
I hadn't been there in a week, and I certainly felt sluggish for the majority of the workout. Here's what we did:
Warm Up:
-10 PVC Pass-Throughs
-15 Ball Slams (20lb)
-5 Push Ups
-50 Lateral Jumps
-2 Lengths Farmer's Carry (36lbs each arm)
-Double Unders for 10 Minutes, trying to add on to the total number of unbroken DUs achieved. (I got 5! Not in a row though. BUT 5 is the most I've ever done in one day!)
-Reviewed American Kettlebell Swings
"Helen's Got A New Boat"
3 Rounds For Time
-400 Meter Row
-21 American KB Sings
-12 Pull Ups (Still using the green and red bands)
Time: 14:12
For a while there, I was certain I was going to die. Nothing whips me faster than KettleBell swings or Wall Balls. I lived though. It was hard and I am out of shape and low on energy and generally slow today, but I finished the WOD in a decent time and smiled and chatted with the morning crew.
The rest of my day is going quite well, and I feel myself looking forward to tomorrow for so many different reasons. It's been quite a while since the day felt full of possibilities.