"... but I never lie." ??? Is that true?
I'm not sure these days about the second part, but the first half is certainly accurate.
I've been hiding out for another week. Haven't gone to the gym or even done a solitary Push Up in my spare time. I haven't cleaned my part of the house, and goodness gracious if I don't do some laundry soon, I'm going to have to wear the horrible neon green lacy thing that I got in college at a Meijer at midnight.
Dire straits indeed.
Oops, I guess it was too scandalous for the Internet! |
I'm not sure why I didn't CrossFit at all this week other than the obvious: bachelorette party (see photo evidence at left), writing papers for school, not sleeping, winter time, boyfriend time, school/work/personal appointments. It feels like hiding though.
I have the sinking suspicion that I've been avoiding the box because vulnerabilities from other areas in my life are leaking over into my ability to leave the safety of my bed or office. I feel like I am withdrawing from NUMEROUS pleasures and responsibilities lately out of fear.
Ironically enough, my mental image of overcoming that fear is a ferocious vignette of me snarling my way into a Muscle Up. Something that is a long way off at the best of training schedules, let alone a weekly trip to the gym.
I've been scared especially by thoughts of the future. I know I'm supposed to live in the moment and take things a day at a time, but holy F it's a frightening time to be alive. Not only do current events give me rage migraines sometimes, but in my personal life I'm scaring the crap out of myself. Probably all of it has to do with my relationship.
I am enamored of A, but I want to run. I want to run away before I lose track of my goals and my independence. I know it's already too late in many respects. I'm so happy and comfortable all the time (how strange) that I don't mind not going to the gym if it means cuddling longer in the morning. I'm so pleased to have someone to help me and care for my well-being that I am letting him help me instead of handling everything on my own.
I'm so terrified that I'm not going to regain my balance if things don't work out. Things in my life were working. I was often afraid and stressed and lonely, but at least I had control. Now I'm seeing where things go and letting my grip loosen up and the fall could really hurt. Part of me wants it to hurt.
What does this have to do with going to CrossFit and working on my Push Ups and Pull Ups and Squats? Well, I'd say nothing, but it's clear that I am freaking myself out so much about not wanting to get too attached to A that I'm withdrawing from EVERYTHING in my life. I don't cook and haven't done any more unpacking from the move. I'm not 100% engaged in school, I'm pulling back from some social situations. It's like I'm severing ties in an effort to be unfettered should I choose to bolt.
I need to get the control back and do things that make me feel powerful and good, and stop shirking my duties simply because it's easier to hide behind A's big shoulders.
Tonight is CrossFit. I'm not sure if I'm running to it or away from something else, but I suppose in the end, the important thing is that I know where I am when I slow down enough to breathe.