Warm Up:
2 Rounds
-100 Single Unders
-10 Inch Worms
-10 Burpees
-20 Jumping Jacks
-5 Pull Ups (Green and Red Bands)
-5 Sit Ups
-5 Push Ups
Alternating 3 Max Holds
-L-Sits (Parrallettes)
-Holding Pull-Up (Green and Yellow Bands)
![]() |
Waterfall at MonteVerde |
Max L-Sit: 30 Seconds
Max Holding PU: 5 Seconds
-400 Meter Row
-3 Rope Climbs (I did 9 half climbs, as prescribed)
Time: 19:53
I wanted Sub-20 so bad, and I got it! Too bad in the process I cut up my hands a bit. Ouch.
Wednesday (8/24):
Warm Up:
:20 Burpees
:10 Push Ups
:20 Squats
:10 Toe Touches
:20 PVC Pass Throughs
:10 Good Mornings
:20 Jumping Jacks
:10 Rest
WOD (Done Before Skill Today):
"Crossfit Open 13.1"
17 Minute AMRAP (each movement counts as a rep.)
-40 Burpees
-30 Snatches (Started at 22lbs as the Rx is to increase weight each round)
-30 Burpees
-30 Snatches (Moved up to 27lbs)
-20 Burpees
-30 Snatches
-10 Burpees
-Snatch Until Time Expires
I obviously didn't make it through the entire list. No one in the class did! I made it to 88, which was 70 Burpees, 30 Snatches at 22lbs, and 18 at 27lbs.
I also closed the morning with another 15 Burpees, which puts me at 100 for today and 224 for July. I'm so behind!
Split Jerks
I've never really done Split Jerks before, since I've been rather sporadic in my attendance and am pretty wimpy usually. Today I gave it a go though, starting at 22lbs and working my way up to 37. I felt like it was looking alright, although I didn't have a coach telling me so. Overall, today was a tough WOD. Burpees are just so draining. blegh. At least it was chilly this morning!
My sleep last night was pretty bad. My roomie is out of town (at the Crossfit Games!!!! So jealous) and so every little noise I hear in the night frightens me. I also dreamed I was on "Chopped" and was trying to grill peaches. Overall, I was jumpy all night and there was a strange recurring noise coming from below my bedroom window. I had to turn the fan on to drown it out, which made my room both deliciously chilly and stupidly windy. Oh well. I'll sleep when I'm dead!
On Sunday morning, July 28, I boarded a plane for Costa Rica, where I've been languishing for the past 9 days. I'll update soon with all the thoughts that revolved around my fitness and happiness while I was there. I wish I'd gotten a picture of myself snatching my backpack on top of the volcano at Arenal! Also, I don't recommend climbing mountains (or volcanoes) with wounded knees. On a related note, I don't suggest falling down stairs.
More later!
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