Thursday, August 15, 2013

Please Stop Asking About My Weight.

I pride myself on keeping many non-judgmental and supportive friends in my life. Indeed, even the CrossFit community treats me with great respect and encouragement. Sometimes though, people with otherwise good intentions deliver inquiries into my health that make me doubt myself. 

So here's a friendly open letter to my well-meaning friends and acquaintances who seem to be preoccupied with both the number on my scale and the size of my waistline. (Perhaps, this is a letter to myself as well. I am, after all, a much harsher taskmaster and critic than any of them.)

I have not seen the changes that I began this journey looking for last year. At least not the changes in my body. I have seen changes in my mind and heart however. I've grown exponentially as a person and the depression that's been plaguing me for so many years hasn't been able to get a secure grip on me again. Sure, I have bad days, but overall, my life is happy. I'm happy. 

I have absolutely no excuses for not seeing changes in my physical form. I have nothing to tell you about why I haven't lost a pound or why I don't work out every single day. Who would want to be bothered by listening to thin excuses anyway? 

I haven't been back to CrossFit since returning from Costa Rica, and I don't feel guilty about that either. I went regularly in July and came to some realizations. CF is no longer the crutch that it was a few months ago. The 6:00 AM class doesn't feel the same anymore, and I don't feel the connection to the experience that inspired me so. 

Don't ask me how much weight I've lost. The answer is none, and I'm not interested in defending my exercise or healthy eating habits, since I take more care with what fuel goes into my body now than I ever have before. 

Don't ask me if I've been to CrossFit. The answer is no, and I have enough guilt about "letting them down" without being questioned about it. Especially since I know that the friends I have made there care about me and while they understand that life is complicated, they don't want to hear a bunch of excuses either.

End Rant. 

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