Thursday, August 22, 2013


So, where was I? 

Oh yes, still "fluffy" around the middle, stressed out, and broke. This week I've been trying to simplify and declutter a bit in an effort to streamline my life for thrift purposes and yesterday morning as I got dressed for a fundraising dinner, feeling all proud of myself for doing my hair and looking nice, I noticed that most of my clothes don't fit. Not just some of them, but most of them. Most of my really nice business attire, specifically. 

Sadly, they don't fit because they're too small, not because I'm too svelte to be wearing them anymore. Bummer. 

So I pulled a bunch of stuff out of my drawers and closet and took them to work to see if anyone was interested in taking the cute things. The rest will be going in the garage sale on 9/14. 

I know some of the clothes had been held onto in prior purges because I was dreaming of fitting into them again. When I was 20-30 lbs less, I had some really adorable clothes to wear! Alas, there's no going back. Even if I work out religiously, I know now that the only reason I was that small was because I was incredibly active and malnourished. When I finally achieve some semblance of fitness again, it's going to be full of muscles, and I likely won't fit into those clothes anymore anyway. I need to get rid of them instead of clinging to them out of this sense of nostalgia. 

Anyway, I've had to stop the CrossFit what with not being able to pay all my bills and such, so here's the new and improved plan for staying active now that I don't have a gym home. 

"A" and I are going to try to get together three times a week to work out, utilizing the fitness center at the condo complex he lives in. It's got limited amenities, with a recumbent bike, elliptical, treadmill, and a bow-flexish looking combination weight machine. There's also a pool, and the whole facility is accessed with a palm scanner. It's so hilarious getting into a tiny room with generic machines using a pin code and having your palm print scanned. Surreal. 

Anyway, "A" is more of a typical weightlifting athlete, starting his workouts with a mile run, then doing a few specific weight training exercises for 3 sets of 15 or whatever. Then he concludes with another mile and an ab routine. 

I devised a WOD using Google and the thought "hotel gym WODs" for our first workout... which was supposed to be last night. Here's what I had planned to do:

Warm Up:
-20 Minute "Run" on the elliptical (I am still trying to avoid those shin splints.)

WOD 1:
5 Minute AMRAP
-7 Lat Pulldowns
-10 Push Ups

WOD 2:
5 Minute AMRAP
-5x 1 arm alternating KB presses
-10 Sit Ups

2 Minute AMRAP

Using my new and improved life organization skills, I was all packed up and prepared to hit the gym after work yesterday. Alas, I failed to factor in how long the fundraising dinner would take! 

We ended up not getting home until 9 pm from the restaurant. (Where I ate terribly, by the way. All sorts of delicious fried food and a vodka mojito.)

I guess in hindsight I should have planned better and realized that we would be out socializing long after supper was finished. Rats. I'm actually kinda "meh" this morning and bummed out as a result.  It is really obvious that "A" and I are the type to put off a workout and by lazy instead of motivating each other to get to it.

I am worried that we're going to have a hard time making this plan work with our schedules, which is a real shame, because I think we'd enjoy working out together and I know I certainly want to be doing more things with him since it seems like when we get to hang out, we're either at his softball league or I'm sleeping. (Or both!)

As an incentive to help us meet our workout goals though, I thought a nice little present was in order. This will also keep me from blowing money whenever I find something I want. One gift after completing a specific goal for X amount of time. That's the new rule!

I was thinking that if we both meet our fitness goals of working out 3 times a week for 3 months, we can each get a new shirt from Rogue, since we are very fond of the ones we have. I may or may not be dreaming of more matching T-shirts. Is that weird? 

Wouldn't we be cute in this? Photo courtesy of

I'm hoping for better times ahead, and I'm weighing my options because I really want to make my fitness a priority in my life even though I'm trying to downsize my spending and also have more time to be at home taking care of my personal needs. My buddy "I" has suggested that I tag along with him to LA Fitness to work on building my strength, since apparently "Strength is a bucket into which you pour fitness. Bigger the bucket, the more it can hold." 

He thinks that I'll meet my goals for looking better and being stronger sooner if I focus on my strength and not just keep sporadically WODing. I'm inclined to believe him, since he's always been very helpful in my past endeavors to understand my workouts. Anyway, maybe on nights when I'm in my home city instead of out where "A" lives I will be able to hit up the free weights at LA Fitness, utilizing his guest privileges. 

All I know is that I feel lousy today for eating crap and not meeting my daily organizational and self-care goals. I don't feel guilty, I physically feel terrible, and I can only blame the fried food and being dehydrated. I was also having a really great week, taking care of my other new life goals, and yesterday felt like it derailed them, and today seems to be going that direction as well. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Whole Life Challenge

So, I've signed up for The Whole Life Challenge and I'm a little excited. I'm not being as great about working out as I should be, but I'm hopeful that since I've been spending significant amounts of time organizing and cleaning out my house lately, and because I've been trying to get my stuff together in different areas, and have managed to pack my lunch a few times this week and am sleeping and smiling and even went for a walk in the park yesterday..

I'm hoping that things are going to go alright. 

I'm hoping the fresh start (8762 fresh starts and counting!) will be a great beginning to the magical change of the seasons into autumn and that this challenge will just be a little tool to help me.

I've asked friends and coworkers to join, but most of them are disinterested in paying the enrollment on the real challenge, and hesitant to cut out major parts of their diet like sugar, soy, and dairy. I've offered an alternative though. I will work with them to draw up their own diet plans that are still challenging for them, but which resonate with the 'healthy eating paradigm' that they ascribe to, and they can track it all on My Fitness Pal

We'll still use the same point system:
5 Points for food
2 Points for Exercise
2 Point for Mobility
1 Point for Supplements
1 Point for the Life Challenges
With Bonus Points for Journaling. 

I think it will be fun for my friends and coworkers to get involved in this way, and I'd certainly enjoy the company. No reason for them to go all gung-ho like I do... just making small changes at first can cascade into bigger changes down the line if they feel inspired!

Please Stop Asking About My Weight.

I pride myself on keeping many non-judgmental and supportive friends in my life. Indeed, even the CrossFit community treats me with great respect and encouragement. Sometimes though, people with otherwise good intentions deliver inquiries into my health that make me doubt myself. 

So here's a friendly open letter to my well-meaning friends and acquaintances who seem to be preoccupied with both the number on my scale and the size of my waistline. (Perhaps, this is a letter to myself as well. I am, after all, a much harsher taskmaster and critic than any of them.)

I have not seen the changes that I began this journey looking for last year. At least not the changes in my body. I have seen changes in my mind and heart however. I've grown exponentially as a person and the depression that's been plaguing me for so many years hasn't been able to get a secure grip on me again. Sure, I have bad days, but overall, my life is happy. I'm happy. 

I have absolutely no excuses for not seeing changes in my physical form. I have nothing to tell you about why I haven't lost a pound or why I don't work out every single day. Who would want to be bothered by listening to thin excuses anyway? 

I haven't been back to CrossFit since returning from Costa Rica, and I don't feel guilty about that either. I went regularly in July and came to some realizations. CF is no longer the crutch that it was a few months ago. The 6:00 AM class doesn't feel the same anymore, and I don't feel the connection to the experience that inspired me so. 

Don't ask me how much weight I've lost. The answer is none, and I'm not interested in defending my exercise or healthy eating habits, since I take more care with what fuel goes into my body now than I ever have before. 

Don't ask me if I've been to CrossFit. The answer is no, and I have enough guilt about "letting them down" without being questioned about it. Especially since I know that the friends I have made there care about me and while they understand that life is complicated, they don't want to hear a bunch of excuses either.

End Rant. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Tuesday (8/23):

Warm Up:
2 Rounds
-100 Single Unders
-10 Inch Worms
-10 Burpees
-20 Jumping Jacks
-5 Pull Ups (Green and Red Bands)
-5 Sit Ups
-5 Push Ups

Alternating 3 Max Holds
-L-Sits (Parrallettes)
-Holding Pull-Up (Green and Yellow Bands)
Waterfall at MonteVerde

Max L-Sit: 30 Seconds
Max Holding PU: 5 Seconds

-400 Meter Row
-3 Rope Climbs (I did 9 half climbs, as prescribed)

Time: 19:53

I wanted Sub-20 so bad, and I got it! Too bad in the process I cut up my hands a bit. Ouch.

Wednesday (8/24):

Warm Up:
:20 Burpees
:10 Push Ups
:20 Squats
:10 Toe Touches
:20 PVC Pass Throughs
:10 Good Mornings
:20 Jumping Jacks
:10 Rest

WOD (Done Before Skill Today):
"Crossfit Open 13.1"
17 Minute AMRAP (each movement counts as a rep.)
-40 Burpees
-30 Snatches (Started at 22lbs as the Rx is to increase weight each round)
-30 Burpees
-30 Snatches (Moved up to 27lbs)
-20 Burpees
-30 Snatches
-10 Burpees
-Snatch Until Time Expires

I obviously didn't make it through the entire list. No one in the class did! I made it to 88, which was 70 Burpees, 30 Snatches at 22lbs, and 18 at 27lbs.

I also closed the morning with another 15 Burpees, which puts me at 100 for today and 224 for July. I'm so behind!

Split Jerks
I've never really done Split Jerks before, since I've been rather sporadic in my attendance and am pretty wimpy usually. Today I gave it a go though, starting at 22lbs and working my way up to 37. I felt like it was looking alright, although I didn't have a coach telling me so. Overall, today was a tough WOD. Burpees are just so draining. blegh. At least it was chilly this morning!
My sleep last night was pretty bad. My roomie is out of town (at the Crossfit Games!!!! So jealous) and so every little noise I hear in the night frightens me. I also dreamed I was on "Chopped" and was trying to grill peaches. Overall, I was jumpy all night and there was a strange recurring noise coming from below my bedroom window. I had to turn the fan on to drown it out, which made my room both deliciously chilly and stupidly windy. Oh well. I'll sleep when I'm dead!


On Sunday morning, July 28, I boarded a plane for Costa Rica, where I've been languishing for the past 9 days. I'll update soon with all the thoughts that revolved around my fitness and happiness while I was there. I wish I'd gotten a picture of myself snatching my backpack on top of the volcano at Arenal! Also, I don't recommend climbing mountains (or volcanoes) with wounded knees. On a related note, I don't suggest falling down stairs. 

More later!