Thursday, January 12, 2017

Be an Athlete.

Last night I tagged along to watch my squeeze play soccer with the rec team from his office. He's not the ideal build of a soccer player, having a body almost ridiculously well suited to throwing heavy things, but he's a good athlete. He's always been a good athlete regardless of the sport, simply because he's athletic. He's got good lungs and strong legs and he's quick with coordination. 

Not all of us are so lucky.... but he shared with me a story about one of his coaches when he was a hammer thrower in college. That coach would always say "Be an athlete." 

It didn't matter if it was cross training or doing yard work, or just tripping over a pile of weights in the gym- he'd say "Be an athlete."

My sweetie used to say that to the high school kids that he coached on the track's throwing team. It doesn't matter if your body is built a certain way for a certain activity, you just treat your body like it's a powerful tool of an athlete.

That's something I've always wished to do, but held myself back due to my clubbed feet and limited mobility... but I too can be an athlete (she thought, as she tripped on the torn carpet on the stairs and slid down on her ass with majestic grace.) 

So anyway, here's to days spent in yoga pants (I swear they're not the same ones as yesterday...) where a few Sun Salutations make you sore, and you can't do the splits anymore... but you do the damn thing anyway, because you want to be an athlete. 

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