I really needed it this morning. Last night I had another panic episode and spent the entire night laying awake with a pounding heart and tightness in my chest or having horrifying dreams of being pursued by dinosaurs or in a basement of a graduate school looking at mutilated horse carcasses spraying blood and bile everywhere. It seems totally reasonable that most of my night was also spent nauseated as a result. It was just a bad night and I felt awful and jittery and anxious.
This morning found me up at the appointed time, but afraid to move in case I was going to throw up. The worst part of all of this is that I don't know what caused it.
Yesterday afternoon I started feeling the anxious pressure in my chest while I was still at work, and I took lots of deep breaths and drank some water trying to fix it, to no avail. I stayed late to do some homework and arrived home hungry and agitated and shaky. I guess it all just carried over into bedtime because I sat in my bed feeling filthy and disgusting and 'vomitorious', and inexplicably fearing rats.
What the heck, brain?
Anyway, last Friday's WOD went pretty well, and it was cardio heavy, which was nice since I've been so truant lately. Here's what we did:
Warm Up:
-100 SU
-10 KB Swings
-10 Squats
-10 Good Mornings
-10 Spider Man
-2 Lengths Weighter's Carry (35lb)
8 minutes on the minute
-2 Power Snatch
-1 Overhead Squat
-1 Dip to Squat Thing
-2 SOT Presses
-Run or Row 5k or do a Tabata
I chose to row. 26:24 on the clock, 24:00 actually rowing.
Spent some time over the weekend talking with "A" about the kids he coaches. He's the 'throwing' coach at a local high school and coaches discus and shot put. During his collegiate career, he was a very accomplished hammer thrower as well. He likes to talk to me about the exercises and lifting that he has the kids do, and it inspires me. I think to myself that a bunch of kids can do it, why can't I? I used to be a CrossFitter!
That's the worst part. I feel like I used to do CrossFit. The past several months have barely seen me at the box. Do I even get to consider myself an athlete anymore? Am I even allowed? I don't think so.
I'm hoping so much that nicer weather will help me out. Even if I can't CrossFit at the level I want to be, maybe this spring/summer/fall I'll make it outdoors and live an active life with "A". Maybe I'll get that pull up someday.
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Spring, don't let me down! |